1. Bethlehem - Place of Jesus Birth (Matthew 2:1)
- Place of Death and Weeping - Genesis 35:19
- Place of Famine - Ruth 1:1
- Promise for Bethlehem - Micah 5:2
2. Nazreth - Place Jesus Grew Up (Mathew 2:23)
- Place which was good for nothing - John 1:45-47
3. Galilee - Place of Jesus's Ministry (Luke 4:15-16)
- Jesus's Ministry Turned The History of Galilee - 1 Kings 9:10-13
4. Golgotha - Place of Jesus's Crucifixion (Luke 4:15-16)
- Place of Skull
- Hill of Curse and Reproach
- Jesus's Death on the cross brought heaven down there
5. Bethany - Place of Jesus's Ascension (Luke 24:50)
- House of unripe figs - Matthew 21:18-22
- Donkey and colt are bound - Matthew 21:1
- Simon the leper - Mark 14:3
- Lazarus who died at a young are - John 11