Study God's Word Diligently

We need to study the word of God intensely for two reasons: First, our own personal spiritual growth, and second, so that we might adequately lead others to Christ. A study of God's word and its application to the various situations of life strengthens each of us in our faith and commitment. When we study the word we gain hope for the future, strength in moments of weakness, and the will to persevere. A personal study of the word and work of God gives individual satisfaction and strength. However, individual satisfaction is not enough. We must accept the challenge of the great commission to "Go ye therefore into all the earth and teach them..." This challenge from our savior places every Christian in the capacity of teacher and a preacher of the Gospel. Every Christian becomes a young Timothy who is admonished to "Study" before embarking on such a journey. Always WALK IN THE WORD.

Ps. Shibu Thomas IPC Hebron Oklahoma